BPLA (Contents)

Budget Process Law Annotated (1993)

Budget Enforcement Act of 1990


[Pages 723-727]
SEC. 13207. standardization of language regarding points of order.

(a) In General.—The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended—

(1)(A) in section 302(c), by striking “bill or resolution, or amendment thereto” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”;

(B) in section 302(f)(1), by inserting “joint” before “resolution” the second and third places it appears and in section 302(f)(2), by striking “bill or resolution (including a conference report thereon), or any amendment to a bill or resolution” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”;

(C) in section 303(a), by striking “bill or resolution (or amendment thereto)” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”;

(D) in section 306, by striking “bill or resolution, and no amendment to any bill or resolution” and inserting “bill, resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”;

(E) in section 311(a), by—

(i) striking “bill, resolution, or amendment” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”; and

(ii) striking “or any conference report on any such bill or resolution”;

(F) in section 401(a), by— [p. 724]

(i) striking “bill, resolution, or conference report” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”; and

(ii) striking “(or any amendment which provides such new spending authority)”;

(G) in section 401(b)(1), by

(i) striking “bill or resolution” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report, as reported to its House”; and

(ii) striking “(or any amendment which provides such new spending authority)”; and

(H) in section 402(a), by

(i) striking “bill, resolution, or conference report” and inserting “bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report”; and

(ii) striking “or any amendment”; and

(2) in section 302(f)(2), by striking “outlays or new budget authority” and inserting “outlays, new budget authority, or new spending authority (as defined in section 401(c) (2))”.

(b) Points of Order in the Senate.—

(1) Title III of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:

 “Effects Of pOINTS OF ORDER

Sec. 312. Points of Order in the Senate [p. 725] Against Amendments Between the Houses.—Each provision of this Act that establishes a point of order against an amendment also establishes a point of order in the Senate against an amendment between the Houses. If a point of order under this Act is raised in the Senate against an amendment between the Houses, and the Presiding Officer sustains the point of order, the effect shall be the same as if the Senate had disagreed to the amendment.

“(b) Effect of a Point of Order on a Bill in the Senate.—In the Senate, if the Chair sustains a point of order under this Act against a bill, the Chair shall then send the bill to the committee of appropriate jurisdiction for further consideration.”.

(2) The table of contents for the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 is amended by adding after the item relating to section 311 the following new item:

 “Sec. 312. Effect of points of order.”.

(c) Adjustment in the Senate of Allocations and Aggregates to Reflect Changes Pursuant to Section 310(c).—Section 310(c) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended by—

(1) inserting “(1)” before “Any committee”;

(2) redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) as clauses (I) and (ii), respectively;

(3) redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; and

(4) inserting at the end the following new paragraph:

[P. 726]

“(2)(A) Upon the reporting to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate of a recommendation that shall be deemed to have complied with such directions solely by virtue of this subsection, the chairman of that committee may file with the Senate appropriately revised allocations under section 302(a) and revised functional levels and aggregates to carry out this subsection.

“(B) Upon the submission to the Senate of a conference report recommending a reconciliation bill or resolution in which a committee shall be deemed to have complied with such directions solely by virtue of this subsection, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may file with the Senate appropriately revised allocations under section 302(a) and revised functional levels and aggregates to carry out this subsection.

“(C) Allocations, functional levels, and aggregates revised pursuant to this paragraph shall be considered to be allocations, functional levels, and aggregates contained in the concurrent resolution on the budget pursuant to section 301.

“(D) Upon the filing of revised allocations pursuant to this paragraph, the reporting committee shall report revised allocations pursuant to section 302(b) to carry out this subsection.”.

(d) Reconciliation Instructions.—Section 310(a) (4) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 is amended by inserting after “(3)” the following: “(including a direction to [p. 727] achieve deficit reduction)”.

[The BPLA did not include notes for this section.]



Sec. 13206 (BPLA)


Sec. 13208 (BPLA)

